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Commercial, office and retail developments
Examples of the type of work we do are described below.
confirm the suitability of a site for residential use
design and optimise site layout
test the acoustic properties of the building, see sound insulation testing
code for Sustainable Homes
consider potential effects on existing sensitive areas
site optimisation to make best use of site features to minimise off-site noise
internal acoustic design
design and specification of plant noise controls
assess noise affecting employees and design noise reduction strategies as required to ensure that staff are not at risk of hearing damage
assess industrial plant and processes and mitigation design to minimise off-site effects
assess emissions against statutory and environmental permits
long-term noise surveys and regression analysis of recorded noise and wind data
assess in accordance with the ETSU-R-97 guidance
site optimisation to maximise potential power of site within identified noise limits
expert witness testimony across a range of acoustics topics, including residential development, industrial noise and noise nuisance
assess the effects of construction noise and vibration on surrounding receptors
design mitigation to address identified impacts without risking overall project timescales and budgets
assessments that accord with Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974
construction Environmental Management Plans, covering a range of environmental topics in addition to noise and vibration
Management and compilation of Environmental Impact Assessments from inception through to final delivery
Assessments of road and development-related air quality impacts
assess noise from sport and leisure activities, ranging from motorsports and clay pigeon shooting to rugby and 5-a-side football facilities
assess the effect of stadium proposals, both new and modified
liaison with local authorities to secure event licences
assessment and identification of noise limits for indoor or outdoor concerts
pre-show validation of assessment and confirmation of concert control protocols
noise management during the show
post-show reporting and discussion with local authority
assessment of new or modified roads, railways, airports, and utilities infrastructure
design of mitigation to offset any identified impacts
noise mapping on a range of scales from individual sites to city-wide maps
tailored and interactive outputs to present complex noise information in a simple manner
assessments in accordance with Building Bulletin 93 Acoustic Design of Schools
assessments for BREEAM: Education
internal and external acoustic design
accredited airborne and impact sound insulation testing in accordance with ISO140 test procedures under the Association of Noise Consultants’ Registration Scheme for Pre-Completion Testing
remedial advice where required to resolve any shortcomings in the acoustic performance of the tested structures
pre-construction analysis and advice on appropriate forms of building structure to ensure cost-effective and appropriate acoustic performance
assessment of vibration affecting sensitive structures for example residential properties or buildings containing sensitive equipment
mitigation design to ensure vibration does not materially affect the use or enjoyment of property
assessing nuisance action to defend commercial or industrial premises against prosecution
providing evidence to support the pursuit of private nuisance action